Rothert-Schnell, C., Böddeker, S., & Walsh, G.
Asset sharing in the healthcare sector: part one—impact on perceptions of service quality and intention to use the service again,
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 30(6), 1-10.
Rothert-Schnell, C., Böddeker, S., & Walsh, G.
Asset sharing in healthcare sectors: An examination of unintended patient outcomes – part two,
British Journal of Healthcare Management, forthcoming.
Nolting, M., Walsh, G.
Is AI the Future of Weight Loss Coaching? Exploring Digital Methods for Automated Health Guidance,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
Walsh, G.
Investigating the existence of ethnic bias in professional services,
Journal of Business Research, 182.
Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Dose, D. B., Christ-Brendemühl, S.
Customer Integration, Fairness Perceptions, and Silent Endurance in Digital versus Human Service Interactions,
European Management Journal, 41(1), 34-46.
Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H.
Hybrid offerings sales capability: Conceptualisation, scale development, and validation,
British Journal of Management, 33(3), 1560-1583.
Walsh, G.
Relationships among immigrant consumers’ cultural orientation, innovativeness, and opinion leadership,
International Marketing Review, 39(1), 88-104.
Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Hassan, L., Shiu, E.
Digital presence in service recovery: The interactive effect of customer salutations and employee photographs in email signatures,
Psychology & Marketing, 39(12), 2361-2383.
Schaarschmidt, M., Hietschold, N., Segelitz-Karsten, A., Walsh, G.,
Affordable innovation rejection attitudes: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 26(06), 2250046.
Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Ivens, S.
Digital war for talent: How profile reputations on company rating platforms drive job seekers' application intentions,
Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 131.
Walsh, G., Linzmajer, M.
The services field: A cornucopia filled with potential management topics,
European Management Journal, 39(6), 688-694.
Brylla, D., Walsh, G., Nolting, M., Roth, J.
When Fast Means More Hassle: Online Deliveries Revisited,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Weitere Informationen
Kunz, W., Walsh, G.
After the revolution – new chances for service research in a digital world,
Editorial “New frontiers in digital media services”. Special Issue, Journal of Service Management, 31 (3), 597-607.
Linzmajer, M., Brach, S., Walsh, G., Wagner, T.
Reducing Inter-Ethnic Bias in Service Interactions,
Journal of Service Research, 23 (2) 194-210.
Baker, T. L., Chari, S., Daryanto, A., Dzenkovska, J., Ifie, K., Lukas, B. A., Walsh, G.
Discount venture brands: Self-congruity and perceived value-for-money?,
Journal of Business Research, 116, 412-419.
Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G.
Social media-driven antecedents and consequences of employees’ awareness of their impact on corporate reputation,
Journal of Business Research, 117, 718-726.
Brylla, D., Walsh, G.
Scene Sells: Why Spatial Backgrounds Outperform Isolated Product Depictions Online,
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24 (4), 497-526.
Schünemeyer, V., Walsh, G.
The relationship between health- and fitness-related social media use and consumers’ disordered eating,
Marketing, ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 42(3), 37-47.
Dose, D., Walsh, G., Beatty, S., Elsner, R.
Unintended reward costs: The effectiveness of customer referral reward programs for innovative products and services,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 438-459.
Albrecht, A., Schäfers, T., Walsh, G., Beatty, S.
The effect of compensation size on recovery satisfaction after group service failures: The role of group versus individual service recovery,
Journal f Service Research, 22(1), 60-74.
Walsh, G., Yang, Z., Dahling, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Takahashi, I.
Effects of negative personality traits on emotional labour and job satisfaction: Evidence from two countries,
Management Decision, 58(6), 1035-1052.
Walsh, G., Hille, P., Shiu, E., Hassan, L., Takahashi, I.
Cross-Cultural Fear of Online Identity Theft: A Comparison Study and Scale Refinement,
Information Systems Frontiers, 21(6), 1251-1264.
Walsh, G., Deseniss, A., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S.
Buffering the service failure–induced effect of anger on revenge,
Kybernetes, 49(7), 1899-1913.
Walsh, G.
Service employees’ naturally felt emotions: Do they matter?,
European Management Journal, 37(1), 78-85.
Bachmann, F., Walsh, G., Hammes, E.
Measuring owner-based luxury value,
European Management Journal, 37(3). 287-298.
Schwabe, M., Dose, D., Walsh, G.
Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future: Influences of regulatory focus on consumers’ moral self-regulation,
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 234-252.
DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1025
Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S.
Assessing the effects of multichannel retailer corporate reputation on customer new product adoption and RFM value,
Journal of Service Management, 29(4), 680-702.
Brach, S., Walsh, G., Shaw, D.
Sustainable consumption and third-party certified labels: Consumers' perceptions and reactions,
European Management Journal, 36(2), 254-265.
Dose, D., Walsh, G., Ruvio, A., Segev, S.
Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany,
Journal of Business Research, 82, 281-289.
Walsh, G., Brylla, D.
Do product returns hurt relational outcomes? Some evidence from online retailing,
Electronic Markets, 27(4), 329-339.
Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H.
Customer Interaction and Innovation in Hybrid Offerings: Investigating Moderation and Mediation Effects for Goods and Services Innovation,
Journal of Service Research, 21(1), 119-134.
Hammes, E. K., Walsh, G.
Service Employees’ Job Demands and Two Types of Deviance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Resources,
Marketing – ZFP, 39(1), 15-26.
Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Brach, S., Gremler, D. D., van Herpen, E.
The influence of service employees and other customers on customer unfriendliness: a social norms perspective,
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 827-847.
Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Beatty, S.
Perceptions of Group versus Individual Service Failures: Blame Attribution and Customer Entitlement,
Journal of Service Research, 20(2), 188-203.
Kearney, T., Walsh, G., Barnett, W., Gong, T., Schwabe, M., Ifie, K.
Emotional intelligence in front-line/back-office employee relationships,
Journal of Services Marketing, 32(2). 185-199.
Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S.
Effects of Customer-Based Corporate Reputation on Perceived Risk and Relational Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Gender Moderation in Fashion Retailing,
Journl of Product and Brand Management, 26(3), 227-238.
ISSN 1061-0421
Walsh, G., Möhring, M.
Effectiveness of product return–prevention instruments: Empirical evidence,
Electronic Markets, 27(4), 341-350.
Walsh, G., Hammes, E. K.
Do service scripts exacerbate job demand–induced customer perceived discrimination?,
Journal of Services Marketing, 31(4/5), 471-479.
Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Kunz, W., Hofacker, C.
The Relationship between Online Retailers' Reputation and Product Returns,
British Journal of Management, 27(1), 3-20.
Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Hofacker, C., Grant, I., Takahashi, I.
Developing and validating a scale of consumer brand embarrassment tendencies,
Journal of Business Research, 69, 1138-1147.
Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., von Kortzfleisch, H.
Employees’ company reputation-related social media competence: Scale development and validation,
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 46-59.
Walsh, G., Dahling, J. J., Schaarschmidt, M., Brach, S.
Surface-acting outcomes among service employees with two jobs: Investigating moderation and mediation effects,
Journal of Service Management, 27(4), 534-562.
Walsh, G., H. Evanschitzky, M. Schaarschmidt, P.
Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?,
Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 13(1), 5-25.
Walsh, G., Dinnie, K., Wiedmann, K.-P.
How do corporate reputation and customer satisfaction impact customer defection? A study of private energy customers in Germany,
Journal of Service Marketing, 20(6), 412-420.
Walsh, G., Koot. C., Wiedmann, K.-P.
Der Einfluss von Dienstleistungsqualität auf Kundenzufriedenheit im Retail Banking,
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 52(2), 166-180.
Walsh, G., Groth, M., Wiedmann, K.-P.
An examination of consumers’ motives to switch energy suppliers,
Journal of Marketing Management, 21(3-4), 421-440.
Walsh, G., Klee, A., Wiedmann, K.-P., Waßmann, T.
Wechselbarrieren als Ursache für die Stabilität von Geschäftsbeziehungen,
ZfE – Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 29(2), 145-153.
Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Duvenhorst, C.
Die Identifizierung von eMavens auf Internet-Music-Sites,
Marketing ZFP, 27(1), 41-54.
Mitchell, V.-W., Walsh, G.
Gender differences in German consumer decision-making styles,
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331-346.
Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P.
A conceptualization of corporate reputation in Germany: An evaluation and extension of the RQ,
Corporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 304-312.
Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-M., Wiedmann, K.-P., Hinck, W., Frenzel, T.
Identifying eMavens on internet music sites: Evidence from Germany,
Journal of Global Business Research, 1(1), 28-37.
Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Kilian, T., Seifert, C.
Die Akzeptanz von Smartphones: Eine empirische Analyse,
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 50(4), 385-410.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Adam, D. A., Klee, A.
Reiseverkaufsfernsehen als neuer Distributionskanal im Tourismus – Analyse des Zuschauerverhaltens und Marketingimplikationen,
Marketing ZFP, 26(2), 109-119.
Buxel, H., Walsh, G.
Customer-specific marketing on the internet on the basis of customer profiles,
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 1, 68-88.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Walsh, G.
Reading customer articulations on the internet: A motive-based approach to explain the relevance of “electronic word-of-mouth”,
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(2), 51-74.
Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-W., Frenzel, T., Wiedmann, K.-P.
Internet-induced Changes in Consumer Procurement Behavior: A German Perspective,
Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 21(5), 305-317.
Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H.
Der Einfluss von Unternehmensreputation und Kundenzufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung am Beispiel eines Energieversorgers,
Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, 49(4), 407-423.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G.
Der Einfluss der Zufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft von privaten Gaskunden: Empirische Analyse und Implikationen,
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 27(3), 225-233.
Walsh, G.
Die Ähnlichkeit zwischen Hersteller- und Handelsmarken und ihre Bedeutung für das kaufbezogene Verhalten von Konsumenten,
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 48(2), 109-123.
Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T.
Wenn Konsumenten verwirrt sind – Empirische Analyse der Wirkungen eines vernachlässigten Konstruktes,
Marketing ZFP, 24(2), 95-109.
Walsh, G., Frenzel, T., Wiedmann, K.-P.
E-Commerce-relevante Verhaltensmuster als Herausforderung für das Marketing – Dargestellt am Beispiel der Musikwirtschaft,
Marketing ZFP, 24(3), 207-223.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H., Walsh, G.
Customer profiling in e-commerce: Methodological aspects and challenges,
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 9(2), 170-184.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Frenzel, T., de Freitas, M.
Communication – Kommunikationsstrategien von Unternehmen des Electronic-Tourism im internationalen Vergleich,
Tourismus Journal, 6(2), 153-174.
Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Mitchell, V.-W., Wiedmann, K.-P.
Consumers’ decision-making style as a basis for market segmentation,
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10(2), 117-131.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G.
Zahlungswillig – Studie zur Akzeptanz kostenpflichtiger Musik aus dem Internet,
C’t – Magazin für Computertechnik, (26), 167.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G.
Musik im Internet – Motive der Nutzung und Zahlungsbereitschaft (Teil I),
Der Musikmarkt, 45, 6-7.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G.
Musik im Internet – Motive der Nutzung und Zahlungsbereitschaft (Teil II),
Der Musikmarkt, 50, 18-19.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Klee, A.
Konsumentenverwirrtheit: Konstrukt und marketingpolitische Implikationen,
Marketing ZFP, 23(2), 83-99.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G.
Informationsverhalten und Einstellungen von Kunden beim geplanten Kauf von Wohneigentum,
Der Langfristige Kredit, 51(1), 79-82.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G.
Kundenverhalten beim geplanten Kauf von Wohneigentum: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung,
Der Markt, 39(1), 49-59.
Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Buxel, H.
Kaufentscheidungsdimensionen des Market Mavens,
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 46(4), 404-424.